November 1, 2011

Mens Golf Pants | Trendy Golf

If you know anything about me, you know I love to look good on the golf course. Of course, I want to have the game to match (hence the practice and the playing and the betting), but looking good is high on my priority list as well.

If you've been reading this blog then you also know that some of the things I would like to wear are hard to come by. For example, I'd love to have the opportunity to wear some of the same stuff the pros wear (can you say men's golf pants with the british logo on them anyone?) but there's just not the opportunity to get your hands on that kind of stuff - or so I thought.

Today I stumbled on this site called As the name implies, it's got some trendy golf gear, the kind of stuff that the pros wear (there is a Camilo Villegas collection that I've already taken a look at, among other things). What makes it trendy? Well, from what I can tell, the pants and shirts fit like they are supposed to (like you care about yourself enough to go to the gym).

But the best part about it is that the mens golf pants have some choices that are outside of the ordinary. Just a quick look shows a bright blue pair of golf pants, a pair of plaid golf pants, and a pair of emerald green golf pants - things you couldn't necessarily get otherwise.

In addition to the clothes they've also got a bunch of cool other stuff. They've got accessories (ipad case, umbrella, gym bag, just to name a few), really cool belts of different shades and colors, and golf shoes to boot.

Bottom line, if you haven't checked it out. Go check it out. It's the best site I've seen so far that gives you the golf clothes that can really make you look better than the course.

Have you used this golf product or have one to recommend? Please leave a comment.

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